Experts In The News


As of April 24, there have been at least 695 reported measles cases in 22 states, making this year’s outbreak the worst the United States has seen in over two decades, according to a CDC statement.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Former Sen. Harry Reid on Tuesday called the possibility for impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump “a difficult decision” that could potentially engulf the attention of Congress, although it has other important work to do.


With the number of measles cases approaching a modern high in the United States, many are wondering whether or not the measles shots they got as a kid will have kept them immune in the decades since. Not only can immunity stop people from coming down with the potentially deadly disease it can also help prevent the disease from spreading.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

April 22 is Earth Day. The first ever Earth day came about in 1970 after several environmental hazards brought about a call for change.

Psychology Today

Imagine that you are a coach. You notice that your team tends to take their strength and conditioning workouts less seriously, when compared to their other training. You want to motivate your athletes to work hard and stay engaged during this training. Would it be better to discuss the negative consequences of not getting stronger? Or focus on the potential benefits of increasing their strength?


When Americans celebrated the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, the planet's atmosphere was markedly different than it is today. Nearly 50 years ago, scientists measured Earth's levels of carbon dioxide — the planet's most important greenhouse gas — at around 325 parts per million, or ppm.


Relationship conflict, as with most things, is best in moderation.

The Conversation

“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President of the United States did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. … However, we are unable to reach that judgment.”