Experts In The News

Jack Dappa Blues Radio

This episode of Jack Dappa Blues Radio is part two of my discussion with scholar Tyler D. Parry on the role of the bloodhound before, during, and after slavery. He delves into the origins of the purpose this hybrid animal was created, where they were trained and how it's been utilized for centuries as a weapon against the freedoms and lives of the "Blues People" on America.

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada, because of its rich landscape and diverse history, is often regarded as a playground for geologists and paleontologists around the world.

The Week

Big, sloppy cardigans are as much of a winter time staple as salt on pavement or marshmallows in hot chocolate. But before they became an essential in cold-weather wardrobes, cardigans were a tool of rebellion for women. The cozy knits allowed women to take control of the public presentations of their bodies, and shake off dated gender ideals. When women changed how they looked, often a social change followed close behind


Smallpox is one of the only diseases to have been eradicated by sustained human effort. But before it was eradicated in 1977, it claimed an estimated 300 million lives in the 20th century alone. The highly contagious disease was characterised by fever and a spotted skin rash. Although most people recovered, about three in every 10 people died from smallpox.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for many people because it can mean spending time with family that you may not get along with.


The holidays just aren’t complete without a little drama for dessert. And what’s more dramatic than a planet in crisis?

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

If you’re expecting the floodgates to open on caucus endorsements by our Democratic D.C. delegation, don’t.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Should the measles vaccination be mandatory?

Is there a moral responsibility for a parent to get their children vaccinated?