Experts In The News

Las Vegas Sun

Southern Nevada Health District officials on Friday met with first responders, health care workers and community partners to discuss how they will respond to calls from residents who might be infected with coronavirus.

Nevada Business

A vibrant, diverse economy requires a trained, educated workforce. A trained, educated workforce capable of taking on the diverse needs of its community requires a system of education designed to meet the needs of individuals and institutions in that economy.

Hindustan Times

Drivers on a whole are not all that great at stopping for pedestrians waiting at crosswalks, but those driving expensive car are much less likely to yield for the crossing pedestrians, a new study has found.

K.N.P.R. News

COVID-19, the coronavirus that has sickened tens of thousands in China and killed more than 2,800 people worldwide, has yet to make landfall in Las Vegas.


Walking along the edge of a seasonally dry lakebed on the eastern outskirts of Mexico City, there is near perfect silence except for the occasional airplane that flies overhead.

Las Vegas Review Journal

In the past two months, “coronavirus” has become a household word. But how much do we know about the virus and the disease it causes, COVID-19? Here are some key facts as well as information about what to expect and how to prepare.

Researchers have uncovered some disturbing attitudes towards pedestrians — and it seems owners of luxury cars are the worst offenders.


A new study has confirmed what most people already know: there is a strong correlation between the price of a car and that driver’s compassion for the safety of others.