Experts In The News

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 continues to rise, a message health officials continue to repeat is to stop, or limit, the number of times a person touches their face.

The casino employees are the front line soldiers in the battle to contain any potential transmission of COVID 19. Hotels and casinos are releasing few details about plans if an outbreak takes place in Las Vegas.

New Books Network

Today, instead of discussing a new book, I am convening a “New Books in African American Studies Roundtable” to talk with two historians early in their careers about their recent transitions from graduate school into the professorate, and some of the scholarly and public projects they are developing at their respective institutions.

The Nevada Independent

The Nevada Tax Commission has voted to give its chairman the authority to negotiate settlements on behalf of state marijuana regulators, with the agreements going before the full commission for final approval.

The National Interest

The World Health Organization has declared that COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, has a higher fatality rate than the flu. As of March 4, 2020, nine deaths have been reported in the U.S. Brian Labus, a professor of public health, provides essential safety information for you, from disinfectants to storing food and supplies.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A 34-year-old Clark County school teacher stayed out of the classroom all last week, she said, for fear of infecting her students with the new coronavirus.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A 34-year-old Clark County school teacher stayed out of the classroom all last week, she said, for fear of infecting her students with the new coronavirus.

Sci Tech Daily

Drivers of expensive cars are less likely to yield for pedestrians in UNLV study. Researchers also found that motorists overall yielded less frequently for men and non-whites.