Experts In The News


We’ve all been there. We queue up to board our plane at the gate, wait for a few people to be turned back because their row number hasn’t been called and queue again getting onto the plane itself, waiting for passengers to have their ticket checked and then wrestle with their bags getting them into the overhead lockers.

Daily Star

The coronavirus pandemic is going to change every aspect of our lives. It’ll be a long time before anyone feels comfortable crowding into a airliner for a long-haul flight, but sooner or later the package holiday companies will start up again.

Nevada Current

In March, Jay Tan was sheltering in place and looking for a way to help during the COVID-19 outbreak.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

Masks are an excellent way to keep yourself and others safe during the coronavirus pandemic, but they can be tough to come by, especially for emergency workers.

K.N.P.R. News

Are you used to what’s going on yet? Staying at home. Avoiding contact with people. Not going to work. No school. Is that something we, as social creatures, will ever get used to? Katherine Hertlein, a UNLV professor of psychology and licensed marriage and family therapist, answered questions from listeners who are trying to navigate this new social paradigm.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to take terrible tolls on human lives and cause economic hardship, scientists around the world scramble for a COVID-19 vaccine. They include Michael Pravica, a UNLV physics professor.


Bob only ever had to travel four miles to go to the casino. When the coronavirus pandemic shut it down, his gambling got even closer to home.

Las Vegas Review Journal

As more people test positive for the coronavirus, companies face daunting decisions about how to protect sick employees’ identities under privacy laws while revealing critical health information that could protect other workers.