Experts In The News

The Nevada Independent

This week on IndyMatters, reporter Michelle Rindels and host Joey Lovato talk with Republican Assemblyman Tom Roberts about police reform after he issued a call on Twitter for a special session on the matter. After that, Michelle and Joey talk with Boyd School of Law Professor Frank Rudy Cooper about his recent op-ed on how Supreme Court precedent makes it difficult to prosecute police misconduct.


After Gustavo Alzate, a 34-year-old property manager for a New York real estate firm, was arrested by federal agents, they brought him to a New Jersey jail to await his immigration court hearing. He used a jailhouse hotline to call into the court every day to try and figure out when his hearing would be. “For a long time, I was told there was no record of my case or me with the court,” he later said in court papers. “No one ever told me when my notice to appear form was filed with the court.”

Wyoming Public Media

Three Nevadans face terrorism-related charges after allegedly plotting to incite violence at recent protests in Las Vegas over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed while in police custody.

Las Vegas Sun

Employees at the Bellagio applauded today as the first guests returned to the resort after the coronavirus crisis shut down the Las Vegas Strip for more than two months.

Las Vegas Review Journal

You do what you can.

Staying home as much as possible, and wearing a mask when you can’t.

Las Vegas Review Journal

You do what you can.

Staying home as much as possible, and wearing a mask when you can’t.

Las Vegas Sun

To Jake McKenna, Las Vegas is a special place. It’s where he met his fiancé at a work conference last year, and it’s a city he likes to visit whenever he can.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Tomorrow, resort property owners hope the sights of an empty Las Vegas Strip will all be a distant memory as the state's economic engine will begin slowly turning again.