Ruben Garcia In The News

Thousands of hotel and casino workers in Las Vegas may walk off the job next month.
Los Angeles Times
A labor union representing thousands of culinary workers in Las Vegas has voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike next month if casinos don't agree to a proposed five-year contract.
N.B.C. News
Tens of thousands of hotel and casino workers have voted to authorize a strike next month at dozens of casinos and resorts if contract agreements aren't reached before they expire at the end of May, the Culinary Union announced late Tuesday.
Las Vegas Sun
The Culinary Union this week will conduct its first citywide strike vote in more than 15 years, but a vote to strike by a majority of 50,000 hospitality workers doesn’t necessarily mean a crippling walkout is imminent at dozens of Las Vegas casinos and hotels.
Las Vegas Review Journal
The Clark County School District is appealing an arbitration ruling giving teachers a pay raise, a move that the teachers union is vowing to fight.
People's World
For 80 years, the nation’s basic minimum wage and overtime pay law, the Fair Labor Standards Act, has lifted wages and given most workers a guaranteed floor for earning a living. But the FLSA still has holes and needs some updating to include workers originally excluded because of race, panelists at a daylong seminar on the act said.
Does the rise of today’s gig economy call into question whether an 80-year-old federal wage law is still relevant? Some updates may be warranted, but making significant changes to the Depression-era Fair Labor Standards Act won’t be easy, worker advocates and management-side attorneys told Bloomberg Law.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Attorney General Jeff Sessions pushed back against critics Tuesday as he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating possible meddling by the Russians in the 2016 presidential election.