Ruben Garcia In The News

Nevada Current
In their complaint, filed Monday, CCEA argues Nevada’s decades-old law prohibiting public employees from striking “impermissibly impinges upon the fundamental rights of speech and association of CCEA and its members, is overbroad, void for vagueness, and is not narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling state interest.”
Las Vegas Sun
The Clark County teachers union has to overcome 54 years of legal precedent to succeed in its recently launched legal effort to repeal a state law that prohibits strikes by public-sector employees, said Bradley Marianno, a UNLV professor of education policy.
K.N.P.R. News
This week, Culinary Union workers voted to authorize a strike. The bartenders union did the same. The teacher’s union contract dispute with the school district is now in the hands of an arbitrator.
U.S.A. Today
Workers across the country have taken to walkouts and strikes to demand better wages and working conditions. Las Vegas hospitality workers could be the next to join.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Strikes have been a big talker around the country over the last few weeks.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Daily room cleanings are becoming less common in Las Vegas, workers say — but the Culinary union is hoping to reverse that trend in ongoing contract negotiations.
The US Department of Labor is leaning on unions and collective action to improve protections for foreign farmworkers, with the idea that their increased ability to advocate for better working conditions is essential to helping US workers as well.
CBS Austin
This week, a local judge decided there is enough evidence against 31-year-old Anthony Zuccaro to move forward.