Jefferson Kinney In The News

The Pentagon disclosed on Friday that 34 U.S. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries in Iran's missile strike this month on an Iraqi air base, and although half have returned to work, the casualty total belies President Donald Trump's initial claim that no Americans were harmed. He later characterized the injuries as “not very serious.”
U.S. News and World Report
The Pentagon disclosed on Friday that 34 U.S. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries in Iran's missile strike this month on an Iraqi air base, and although half have returned to work, the casualty total belies President Donald Trump's initial claim that no Americans were harmed. He later characterized the injuries as “not very serious.”
K.N.P.R. News
Jefferson Kinney, the founding chairman of the UNLV Cellular and Molecular Brain Research Laboratory, said the lab was created, in part, to complement the brain health center’s work.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
As new treatments are developed for traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease, a significant amount of credit could go to UNLV’s new Department of Brain Health.
Nearly fifty-thousand Nevadans are currently living with Alzheimer's, and that number is only expected to skyrocket over the next decade. On this Nevada Week, we'll explore how close local researchers are to a cure. Plus, what role do citizen scientists and caregivers play toward fighting this neurodegenerative disease?
Las Vegas Review Journal
At first, Maureen Kramer’s forgetfulness seemed like no big deal. She’d forget about plans made with her husband, Bill, and began relying on written directions to drive to familiar places.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's proposal to spent $2 billion a year to battle Alzheimer's disease was welcomed Tuesday by Las Vegas researchers who say effective treatments are desperately needed given the growing number of elderly affected by the disease.
Las Vegas Review Journal
UNLV and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health have been awarded an $11.1 million federal grant to advance the understanding of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.