Stephen D. Benning In The News

Ask Erin Mantz why she loves personality tests, and she’ll tell you she’s a Pisces, an only child, and an introvert prone to self-reflection. “I’m constantly craving and searching for insights into why I do what I do, and what makes me tick,” she says. Since discovering them at her college career center, she’s taken many different kinds, but the most transformative was the one she took with her coworkers at AOL in her 30s. A new manager instructed Mantz and her colleagues to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, which revealed she’s an INFJ: intuitive, enthusiastic, impulsive, and prone to improvisation.
Las Vegas Review Journal
As UNLV prepares to bring operations back to a new normal this week, a psychology professor is studying the immediate emotional effects of last month's campus shooting on the community.
Las Vegas Review Journal
As UNLV prepares to bring operations back to a new normal next week, a psychology professor is studying the immediate emotional effects last month’s campus shooting had on the community.
Biba Magazine
It's not a bluff. Find out here how to (almost definitely) spot a psychopath by looking at their eyes.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
After the deadliest mass shooting in American history, Stephen Benning studied the trauma inflicted on Las Vegans. Now, he’s doing the same for the most recent mass shooting – this time on his own campus.
Marie Claire
Antisocial, antipathetic, impulsive: there are many signs that allow us to identify a so-called “psychopathic” personality. But if we are to believe some experts, their eyes would be just as telling and would help us flush them out.
We explore the impacts the UNLV shooting has on the community and mental health.
Discover Magazine
The Myers-Briggs Personality Test (MBTI) has piqued the curiosity of many people around the world. As people explore their different personality types, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, new decision-making processes, and interpersonal connections.