Rebecca Gill In The News

K.N.P.R. News
More than five dozen judges and justices of the peace are up for election in Clark County next month. That includes all 26 judges in the controversial family court.
BBC News
Nevada made history when it became the first state in the US with a female-majority legislature, with women holding 51% of the seats, in December 2018.
Sunday Post
On the Democratic ballot paper for the first time will be media mogul Mike Bloomberg, who is the ninth-richest person in the world and has a $1 billion war chest to spend on defeating Trump.
Early reports suggest a surprising upset of sorts in the Nevada caucuses — Culinary Union members broke from their leadership and caucused in wide numbers for Sen. Bernie Sanders, according to longtime Nevada journalist Jon Ralston.
BBC News
The race to decide which Democrat will take on Donald Trump in November's US presidential election resumes on Saturday.
Democrats in Nevada seek to tamp down fears their Saturday caucus will repeat the botched contest in Iowa, which kicked off presidential primary season earlier in the month.
Gamblers are not liking Mike Bloomberg’s odds.
Nevada’s Culinary Workers Union Local 226 and Bartenders Union Local 165 — more commonly known as the Culinary Union — became the subject of fierce debate on Wednesday night.