Stephen Rowland In The News

National Geographic
About 310 million years ago in what's now Arizona, a primitive creature trundled along on all fours through towering sand dunes that spilled into the sea. Normally, this creature's tracks would have vanished like other footfalls on a beach. But in a rare case, the tracks hardened into sandstone—preserving this flash of ancient behavior.
Las Vegas Review Journal
In a lab at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum, researchers from UNLV are combing over fossils from a Columbian mammoth that was a real stand-up guy.
Las Vegas Sun
More than 80 percent of land in Nevada is publicly owned. This wealth of open space is a treasure trove for paleontologists. Their digs into the dirt can teach us about what our world was and hint at issues we might have to confront tomorrow.
Las Vegas Patch
If the Trump Administration plans to shrink national monuments in Nevada—as it does in Utah, according to documents obtained today by The Washington Post—groups supporting Gold Butte and Basin and Range National Monuments have readied a litigious rebuttal.
The Spectrum
In his recent trip to Nevada, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke spent a few hours in one of our newest national monuments — Gold Butte, where he viewed Native American rock art threatened by vandals, hiking trails that offer countless opportunities for exploration and fragile desert plants and wildlife native to only this region.
Las Vegas Sun
Tens of thousands of Americans recently marched and rallied in support of evidence-based science and the acknowledgment of human-caused climate change. It was a good start toward the goal of bringing honest, science-based policymaking back into our government.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
UNLV researchers are excavating a remote undisclosed site in Nye County after remains of a Columbian Mammoth were discovered. For the past five months, a team of faculty and students at UNLV have made the two-hour trip to learn more about the discovery of intact mammoth tusks dating back more than 20,000 years.
Las Vegas Review Journal
On a chalky, windblown mound about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas, researchers brush and chisel away dirt surrounding a pair of curved tusks sticking straight down into the ground.