Michael Green In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal
It's been just a few days since the election of Justin Trudeau as Canada's prime minister, and Trudeau's victory certainly will move the country leftward and, perhaps, affect its relations with the United States in ways not yet known.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Will what happens in Congressional District One stay in Congressional District One?
Las Vegas is turning into election central for the 2016 presidential race. Democrats hold a debate on October 13; Republicans hold a debate on December 15; and the parties will hold the final candidate debate of the presidential election on October 19, 2016.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Southern Nevada legend has it that during the five years of Hoover Dam construction, some workers were killed on the job and accidentally buried in the dam’s cement structure.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
One city. Three debates. Move over, gaming. We’re becoming a debate destination.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Southern Nevada is quietly remembering the sacrifices of 9/11. Clark County, for the first time, is opting to have a scaled-down memorial service Friday that seeks to preserve the solemness of the occasion. It comes amid dwindling participation in past memorials.
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It might seem surprising that the road in North Las Vegas named for Tom Williams, who created that city, is such a short and unheralded thoroughfare. It may be more surprising that an elementary school is also named for the man who championed having as little government as possible in the new city and keeping out black people.
Las Vegas Review Journal
It might seem surprising that the road in North Las Vegas named for Tom Williams, who created that city, is such a short and unheralded thoroughfare. It may be more surprising that an elementary school is also named for the man who championed having as little government as possible in the new city and keeping out black people.