Michael Green In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal
Nevada’s six votes are just a small piece in the Electoral College pie, but you wouldn’t know that by the attention being paid to the Silver State by the opposing presidential campaigns in the final weeks of the election.
The New York Times
On Monday, before flying to Houston for a two-day N.F.L. owners meeting, the Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis took a little trip to Las Vegas. He was not there to gamble, but to celebrate. The previous week, the Nevada legislature held a short special session, called by Gov. Brian Sandoval, to pass a bill that would commit a stunning $750 million in tax dollars to a proposed $1.9 billion football stadium.
Dallas Morning News
For all the talk about whether Donald Trump will accept the result of his presidential contest, the coming days may determine if his race against Hillary Clinton is close enough for that to matter.
The Slatest
One question that has emerged out of the presidential campaign in the past 24 hours is—why? Why is Donald Trump futzing around with the fundamental principles of American democracy by refusing to say he’ll accept the results of the election? Why has he been pre-emptively complaining that the vote will be “rigged” weeks before Election Day? What is he trying to accomplish with these statements?
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
The final presidential debate on Wednesday opened with an extended discussion of Supreme Court nominations, offering some clarity on how Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would fill any vacant seats on the court over the next four years if they are elected.
The Slatest
How to spin the possibility of Donald Trump refusing to accept the outcome of the election? “Who are you?” demanded Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Trump’s military adviser who had once been considered a possible running mate. We were in the spin room after Wednesday’s presidential debate, and I’d asked if he thought Trump should say he would abide by the results of the vote. “Who are you?” he asked again. When I told him, he continued to walk away without answering the question.
Los Angeles Times
Joe Leal says he knows the good ones from the bad. He’s been doing this for decades. He trusts that his brown eyes — narrowed beneath a furrowed brow — won’t deceive him.
Las Vegas Review Journal
In a city built on entertainment, this week’s presidential debate could prove to be the biggest spectacle Las Vegas has ever seen. Wednesday’s showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the Thomas & Mack Center marks the first time Las Vegas has hosted a presidential debate during the general election.