Michael Green In The News

Washington Post
Sheldon G. Adelson, a billionaire casino tycoon and free-spending political donor who helped bankroll conservative candidates in the United States and Israel, and who pushed the governments of both countries to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, died Jan. 11 in Malibu, Calif. He was 87.
K.N.P.R. News
They called him the Westside Slugger. The nickname fit Joe Neal. He could throw a punch, but he also could take one.
K.V.V.U. T.V. Fox 5
UNLV associate professor of history Michael Green describes the last time the U.S. Capitol building was under attack.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Wednesday's violent protests in the nation's capitol marked a historic moment in our country.
Las Vegas Sun
The riotous protest Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump that sent lawmakers scrambling for safety and left a woman dead are unlike anything seen before in the nation’s history, said Michael Green, an associate professor of history at UNLV.
S&P Global
Industries that have long reigned in Nevada, such as its famous gaming sector, have been rocked by the pandemic, burning a hole in the state budget in the process. Seeking to plug a $1.2 billion deficit, state Democratic lawmakers have targeted the mining industry, which has enjoyed a cap on its tax rate as old as the state itself.
Reno News & Review
There is no evidence that a single Washoe County corpse voted by mail in Nevada’s 2020 election — or, in person, for that matter.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Gov. Steve Sisolak joins the thousands of Nevadans to test positive for COVID-19.