Bing Zhang In The News

Nearly 15 years after the discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs), the origin of the millisecond-long, deep-space cosmic explosions remains a mystery. That may soon change, thanks to the work of an international team of scientists which tracked hundreds of the bursts from five different sources and found clues in FRB polarization patterns that may reveal their origin.
Physics Today
A correlation between the observed frequencies and polarizations of the energetic radio pulses suggests the bursts originate in active regions such as magnetars in binary systems.
Detected in the galaxy M81, which is about 12 million light years from Earth, baffles astronomers
Its origin challenges assumptions about what causes these enigmatic signals
Scientific American
Twenty years after their initial detection, enigmatic blasts from the sky are starting to deliver tentative answers, as well as plenty of science.
Astronomers witnessed a mysterious object in the universe emit 1,652 bursts of energy in a very short time.
Bizarre source of fast radio burst keeps exploding over and over.
Live Science
Astronomers have watched a mysterious cosmic object shoot out 1,652 blasts of energy over a short period of time.