Andrew Woods In The News

Prices for almost everything has skyrocketed over the past year. We examine what the high cost of groceries, gas and more means for families and what the future of the Southern Nevada economy looks like.
The Nevada Independent
Over two years into the pandemic and its recovery, we now face an entirely new set of facts in the macroeconomy as we face a cooling economy and possibly another recession. Previously, loose monetary and expansionary fiscal policies saved the day for many people. The support for government programs to aid unemployed workers and small businesses proved essential during the recovery process. But, now, policy makers must evaluate a completely changed situation. Labor markets are overheating and employers find it difficult to hire needed workers. Moreover, the inflation dragon, which had been chained up for decades, is on the loose and creating anxiety for consumers, workers, and financial markets.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Eliza Trowbridge was already concerned about high gas prices earlier this spring when she realized someone had damaged her car while trying to siphon gas from it.
K.N.P.R. News
Soaring prices for gas, food, housing and construction supplies continue to hammer Nevadans.
Las Vegas Review Journal
It’s no secret what’s on the minds of millions of Americans right now: inflation.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
The record pace of Americans quitting their jobs in 2021 led to the term the Great Resignation. Now, a new report shows Nevada had the nation’s second-highest quit rate for employees last year.
The Nevada Independent
Certainly, anyone who recently filled up a gas tank (up 49.6 percent from a year ago), bought a Thanksgiving turkey (up 24 percent), or did a little holiday shopping this past month (up 5 to 17 percent) is feeling the pinch of rapidly rising prices.
K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13
Influx of 1 million people expected by 2060.