Erin Breen In The News

K.N.P.R. News
It’s dangerous driving Las Vegas streets.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
One of the biggest tasks for Nevada State Police and every other local agency is pedestrian safety.
Las Vegas Weekly
Driving is simultaneously mundane and dangerous.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
The pleas continue from police and safety advocates for people to pay more attention on our roads, especially now that it will be darker earlier in the day.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
The third annual “Dusk2Dawn” pedestrian safety campaign kicked off Monday morning at Sunrise Hospital. The goal is to raise awareness among motorists that it’s now dark an hour earlier with the switch to Daylight Standard Time, and 80% of all pedestrian fatalities occur between dusk and dawn.
K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13
Traffic safety experts said Saturday, hours before daylight saving time rolled clocks back one hour, that deadly crashes involving pedestrians have been tragically common in Las Vegas in 2021.
El Tiempo
Shortly after sunset Tuesday, Andrew Bennett lit a large white candle near the intersection of Rainbow Boulevard and Spring Valley Parkway.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Not long after sunset Tuesday, Andrew Bennett lit a large white candle near the intersection of Rainbow Boulevard and Spring Valley Parkway.