Marla Royne Stafford In The News

Marijuana Venture
Brand loyalty is not just about repeat purchases, it’s an emotional bond between the customer and the brand. There are many ways to achieve this, and cannabis dispensaries have a range of marketing tools at their disposal to create positive affect that helps this bond.
Wall Street Journal
Paris 2024 unveiled its history-inspired mascots this week. They have the hallmarks of some popular predecessors.
Marijuana Venture
With consumers spending more time outdoors since the pandemic, out-of-home media has become an increasingly popular option for marketers, and cannabis businesses are no exception. However, in the cannabis industry, marketers must be cognizant of the laws of the state where they are advertising, because marketing and advertising regulations differ across the country.
Marijuana Venture
Building and maintaining an online presence for your cannabis business has become critical in today’s increasingly competitive environment. But because federal legislation prohibits cannabis sales, marketing and advertising your products at the national level remains virtually impossible. While online marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target market, there are significant limitations that must be considered carefully before embarking on a digital cannabis campaign.
Marijuana Venture
I have become fascinated with cannabis marketing and advertising, and I thought, “Who better to talk to than an internationally recognized marketing and advertising expert?”
Marijuana Venture
As you know, there has been a rash of armed robberies targeting the cannabis industry. Let’s talk about why this is happening and provide some practical solutions for preventing robberies and reducing losses.
How do businesses get their placards on the Gas/Food/Lodging signs on highways? Is that a form of advertising or is it a well-intentioned wayfinding tool? Who pays whom?
Las Vegas Sun
Witty slogans on Las Vegas freeway signs might be good for some laughs, but the hope is they save some lives too, transportation officials said.