Russell T. Hurlburt In The News

New Scientist
Most of us have a voice inside our heads and it can be caring, supportive, negative or critical. Learning to control this internal monologue could help you cope with daily stress
Mega Curioso
Language is one of the most defining abilities of our species. After all, human beings are true communication artists and we have developed hundreds of languages ​​to be able to express everything we want and our feelings to our equivalents.
Humans have been expressing language in the mind for hundreds or even thousands of years. However, can humans think without words in their heads?
Live Science
Humans have been expressing thoughts with language for tens (or perhaps hundreds) of thousands of years. It's a hallmark of our species — so much so that scientists once speculated that the capacity for language was the key difference between us and other animals. And we've been wondering about each other's thoughts for as long as we could talk about them.
Most people experience conversations and see images in their minds, though the mechanics have proven difficult to nail down.
Live Science
Some people process thoughts and feelings differently.