Brian Labus In The News

Vegas Inc
W. West Allen, a partner in the Las Vegas office of Howard & Howard, was installed as the Federal Bar Association’s 93rd national president. Allen is an intellectual property litigator and counselor who represents a wide variety of international clients in federal courts. He previously served as chair of the FBA’s Government Relations Committee for seven years. In addition, Allen has been a member of the FBA board of directors for much of the past decade. He also received the FBA’s President’s Award for longstanding service to the association.
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it may be a long time before attending concerts is safe again. And even when concerts eventually do come back — which likely won’t happen until 2022 or late 2021 — the experience is likely to be a tad different in a post-coronavirus world.
Voice of America
The US authorities and community are concerned about a new form of scam, associated with telephone calls related to COVID-19.
It seemed unimaginable: months after Covid-19 killed thousands of New Yorkers, the city and state finally seemed to get the virus under control. Infections, hospitalizations and deaths plummeted here and in neighboring regions, while surging elsewhere in the US.
It seemed unimaginable: months after Covid-19 killed thousands of New Yorkers, the city and state finally seemed to get the virus under control. Infections, hospitalizations and deaths plummeted here and in neighboring regions, while surging elsewhere in the US.
The Guardian
It seemed unimaginable: months after Covid-19 killed thousands of New Yorkers, the city and state finally seemed to get the virus under control. Infections, hospitalizations and deaths plummeted here and in neighboring regions, while surging elsewhere in the US.
Univision Florida
The US authorities and community are concerned about a new form of scam, associated with telephone calls related to COVID-19.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Doctors and nurses in our country are at war with a virus. To talk about that front line, it's fitting on Veteran’s day, to talk to a vet.