Brian Labus In The News

As a giant clock counted down to 12:01 Tuesday morning, crowds cheered the complete reopening of downtown Las Vegas for the first time in more than a year, with live music and no mask or social distancing required. Businesses are now allowed to be open at full capacity, with no Covid-19 restrictions.
As a giant clock counted down to 12:01 Tuesday morning, crowds cheered the complete reopening of downtown Las Vegas for the first time in more than a year, with live music and no mask or social distancing required. Businesses are now allowed to be open at full capacity, with no Covid-19 restrictions.
Woman's Era
Yes, Whiskey roars high on comfort, the best choice to toast and dawn upon your gloating success, or a silent anam-cara when the day bites you to dust. But alcohol isn’t the best chaser to break down CoronaVirus.
CTV News
As a giant clock counted down to 12:01 Tuesday morning, crowds cheered the complete reopening of downtown Las Vegas for the first time in more than a year, with live music and no mask or social distancing required. Businesses are now allowed to be open at full capacity, with no COVID-19 restrictions.
As the United States as a whole hits a 50 percent vaccination rate, the uneven compliance in different states and regions could pose some dangers for summer and fall, experts say.
As a giant clock counted down to 12:01 Tuesday morning, crowds cheered the complete reopening of downtown Las Vegas for the first time in more than a year, with live music and no mask or social distancing required.
The Seattle Times
World of Concrete — the convention that is staging the bricklaying competition — is the first large, in-person trade show scheduled in the United States since the coronavirus pandemic began. The stakes are high, even for a city accustomed to high stakes.
Vancouver Sun
World of Concrete – the convention that is staging the bricklaying competition – is the first large, in-person trade show scheduled in the United States since the coronavirus pandemic began. The stakes are high, even for a city accustomed to high stakes.