Courtney Coughenour In The News

Inside Hook
In some probably not terribly surprising news, it turns out expensive car owners may not always be the kindest, most empathetic of drivers.
Drivers who don’t want to be considered a jerk on the road may want to think twice before purchasing an expensive car, according to new research.
The nicer the car, the ruder the driver?
The Times
If the cars you see in your rearview mirror tailgating you always seem to be flashy models, it is not coincidence. Owners of more expensive vehicles really are less considerate drivers, a study has found.
Daily Mail
People driving expensive cars are more dangerous to pedestrians, and the more valuable their vehicles are the less likely they are to stop at zebra crossings.
The science is looking pretty unanimous on this one: Drivers of expensive cars are the worst.
The Sunday Times Driving
Come on premium car drivers... don't conform to stereotype.
The more expensive a car is, the less likely the driver is to stop for a pedestrian who is crossing the road, at least in Las Vegas. The race and sex of the person trying to get across the road may also matter.