Robert Futrell In The News

Washington Post
Ammon Bundy has carried a small copy of the U.S. Constitution in his front pocket for the past seven years. He does so to remind himself of what the government is supposed to do to serve the people without abusing its authority, he said.
Los Angeles Times
His book, “American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement’s Hidden Spaces of Hate,” cowritten with Robert Futrell, includes interviews with white supremacists and details how hate groups cultivate new members.
American Renaissance
The first images of “The Last Battle” seem designed to rile people on the conservative side of the culture wars: public nudity, strippers, children dressed in drag — symbols of a society supposedly in a moral free fall.
Washington Post
The first images of “The Last Battle” seem designed to rile people on the conservative side of the culture wars: public nudity, strippers, children dressed in drag—symbols of a society supposedly in a moral free fall.
Far-right extremists are increasingly using more sophisticated methods to recruit new members.
Rantt Media
On February 2, 2021, Austrian authorities arrested a 36-years-old musician and rapper known as “Mr. Bond” for promoting neo-Nazism and inciting violence. Inspired by attacks against Jews and Muslims in the United States and New Zealand, Mr. Bond has released a song that praised the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, the Poway synagogue shooter and the Christchurch mosques’ shooter and called to follow them.
K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13
A Las Vegas man has been identified for his alleged involvement in the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Las Vegas Sun
When companies like Google, Apple and Amazon cut their business ties with the Henderson-based social media site Parler by removing its app from their platforms, many Americans undoubtedly saw it as a positive step toward curbing the violent right-wing extremism that is plaguing the nation.