Robert Futrell In The News

K.N.P.R. News
It has been 10 years since Cliven Bundy summoned a mob to his Nevada ranch and staged an armed standoff over control of federal public land. He was never convicted, and his cows continue to graze illegally today. His son Ammon also remains free despite a months-old arrest warrant. NPR's Kirk Siegler reports on why the Bundys appear to be above the law.
Las Vegas Weekly
Ten years ago this month, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his family hosted a swarm of armed protesters at their ranch in Bunkerville, 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The gathering was a sort of Woodstock for anti-government militias that were, in their view, defending the Bundys from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
In February 2024, American anti-government agitator Ammon Bundy posted a video with a provocative title to his YouTube channel: ‘Want to know where Ammon Bundy is?’
Associated Press
Amid threats to elections officials, disinformation about the security of U.S. voting systems and ongoing fallout from the Jan. 6 insurrection, scientists who study social movements have a lot to teach us about how we got here.
Desert Companion
Lin ‘Spit’ Newborn and Daniel Shersty were murdered 25 years ago. Their legacies still reverberate through Las Vegas
San Francisco Standard
As Americans celebrated Christmas, it was Easter for Dr. Robert Honeyman: They had been resurrected. “Have a great Christmas and wear a mask!” they declared defiantly, after their Twitter account was reinstated.
The Wire
You can inoculate people against fake news by exposing them to small amounts of such content – much as low doses of live virus can vaccinate people against a disease.
OpenMind Magazine
Researchers are trying to boost people’s immunity to fake news using online games and other strategies. Can these efforts protect the wider population against disinformation?