Emma Frances Bloomfield In The News

More than a decade ago, ABC News pulled off an amazing feat: a 2007 special edition of “20/20” that called attention to the rapid deterioration of the global environment. Reporters were stationed on all seven continents. The news unit even managed to have the lights turned off on the Empire State Building and Times Square to symbolize the dire threat posed by the decline of the earth’s natural support systems. Anchor Diane Sawyer had to use a flashlight – on camera – to maneuver around the set.
More than a decade ago, ABC News pulled off an amazing feat: a 2007 special edition of “20/20” that called attention to the rapid deterioration of the global environment.
The Conversation
Studying Christianity provides important insights into how to talk productively about climate change with a variety of audiences. I interviewed Christians from many different denominations and found that they don’t all think alike when it comes to the environment. Some reject environmentalism, some embrace it, and others modify it to fit their beliefs.
The Nevada Independent
It’s still a common refrain on climate change: “I don’t believe it.”
Warming oceans. Shrinking ice sheets. Intense rainfall events. Rising sea levels.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
An apology has come out from the Catholic Church.
Las Vegas Review Journal
By the time violence broke out at a white nationalist march and counterdemonstration in August in Charlottesville, Virginia, UNLV senior Robert Gipson II had had enough.
Las Vegas Weekly
It didn’t take long for people to spin elaborate scenarios about the events of October 1. Suddenly, conspiracy theories were local—and struck a nerve. The speculation triggered painful memories and seemed to delegitimize survivors’ personal experiences. So, how to proceed when a friend posts a cringe-worthy conspiracy on social media?