Jason Steffen In The News

You might have heard of a serpentine line, but did you know about jockeying and slips & skips? Enter the weird and wonderful world of waiting line design.
K.N.P.R. News
UNLV’s College of Sciences turns 50 years old this year The college is an umbrella over chemistry, geoscience, math, physics, water management and many more areas of high science.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Stargazers could be in for a treat in tonight's northern sky.
Considering how many people willingly wait in long lines, it’s surprising how much they hate it.
Pacific Standard
The Kepler telescope has run out of fuel and officially entered retirement. Luckily, there is a replacement on the way to continue our observation of the stars.
Astronomers expect TESS to find thousands more planetary systems.
A.B.C. News
Rogue planets are the drifters of the galaxy, wandering interstellar space alone. Now it turns out they could have company in the form of moons — and perhaps even sustain life that hitched a ride on them.
Travel Weekly
We all know that the worst part of going on holiday is waiting to get on the plane. Don't deny it.