Dan Lee In The News

K.V.V.U. T.V. Fox 5
The midterm elections are fast approaching, but Nevada voters are already hitting the polls. Candidates on both sides of the aisle are looking for a boost as election day nears. Nevada Democrats received a virtual visit from President Biden Wednesday night.
Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español
Polls released in recent days differ on the projected winners, but agree that Nevada's biggest races are going to be close.
Las Vegas Weekly
It’s widely known that young voters typically have lower turnout rates compared to other age groups. And that means they’re power is largely untapped at the polls.
K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
Some Nevadans have received a campaign mailer that is raising eyebrows. The double-sided postcard states, “Who you vote for is private, but whether you vote is a matter of public records. We will be reviewing public records after the election to determine whether or not you joined your neighbors in voting,” along with a reference to the upcoming election on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Polls released in recent days differ on the projected winners, but they agree that Nevada’s biggest races are going to be close.
A frenzied race for Nevada’s Senate seat is shaping up to be one of the closest in the country as both candidates hope their messages on abortion, inflation and public safety will tip the balance in their favor.
U.S.A. Today
The Latino population in Nevada has grown significantly over recent years and now makes up almost 30 percent of the Silver State. Once solidly Democrat, many Latinos in Nevada have shifted towards the Republican party.
Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español
Thanks to mail-in ballots, more Clark County voters participated in the first weekend of early voting this year than in 2018, with Democrats outnumbering Republicans.