Dan Lee In The News

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now
Throughout the campaign season, Donald Trump made promises about what he would do his first 100 days in office. Among the most controversial of promises Trump said he would build a wall between Mexico and the United States.
New China
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump' s stunning political upset has sparked protests in several major cities nationwide, and the demonstrations may continue for some time. That's because Trump has elicited much controversy over the past year in one of the most controversial and nastiest presidential races.
The Washington Times
Rep. Tammy Duckworth unseated incumbent Republican Sen. Mark Kirk in Illinois on Tuesday night, giving Democrats an early pickup as they seek to wrest control of the upper chamber from the GOP.
South China Morning Post
Despite last-minute good news from the FBI that saw Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s name cleared over a new batch of her emails linked to her private email server, the gridlock in US politics exposed during the presidential campaign trail has already left deep dissatisfaction among the electorate, according to polls and voters.
Straits Time
At 10am last Wednesday, as most of the Las Vegas strip is only just rousing, there is already a large, boisterous crowd gathered outside the gleaming golden tower that is Trump International Hotel.
San Diego Jewish World
Inside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, Donald Trump is king. At the 64-storey hotel and condominium just off the Las Vegas strip, a gift shop in the opulent lobby stocks Trump-branded golf clothes, baseball caps adorned with his "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan, and an array of Trump's books, his face scowling from their covers.
To be a Democrat in Henderson, Nev., is to be on a blue island in a red sea. In the last federal election, 15 of the 16 counties surrounding the city voted Republican — and they're not afraid to throw their weight around. "There was a sign on my mailbox one day written in marker: 'Hillary for prison,'" Democrat Norma Unger said Monday. "I'm terrified!"
CCTV America
University of Nevada, Las Vegas professor Dan Lee explains what's at stake in tonight's final presidential #debates.