Frank van Breukelen
Research |
Life Sciences and engineering professors team up to develop life-saving devices to detect stroke and heart problems.
Alyssa Crittenden in the field
Research |
UNLV, international researchers compare gut bacteria of hunter-gatherers with industrialized populations to better understand role of bacteria in human health.
Scene from Grease
Arts and Culture |
Bring the family and enjoy an evening of fun with Rydell High’s favorite students.
Campus News |
Former SNWA leader will also focus on water resource management and environmental issues through faculty appointment at Desert Research Institute
UNLV signpost
Business and Community |
Experts from UNLV and University of Nevada School of Medicine meet to discuss health disparities in Nevada.
Research |
Chemistry professors' research aims to improve drugs that are effective at treating cancer but leave patients dealing with terrible side effects.
Research |
How a small investment in researchers is helping farmers deal with the most harmful bacteria killing their honeybee hives.
The Rippingtons
Arts and Culture |
The Grammy-nominated contemporary jazz band is celebrating more than 25 years and 18 studio albums.
A photo collage of a book titled "Mad Men and Working Woman" on the left and a woman on the right
Arts and Culture |
Betty, Peggy, and Joan — which Mad Men character is closest to your heart? UNLV professor Erika Engstrom analyzes why these ’60s-era characters resonate with modern viewers.
Las Vegas Strip after dark
UNLV History |
How did Nevada become a world leader in gaming? Expert David Schwartz picks out the key dates that changed our state's biggest industry.
U.N.L.V. sign with the Flashlight in the background
Campus News |
Creators of Skyworks Aerial Systems plan to use prize money to research and develop new drone models.
Business and Community |
Family-friendly event features live entertainment, a repurposed clothing fashion show, food from around the world and an electric parade.