Sharon Altman
People |
Sharon Altman might not break a nail for you, but she’ll take on more responsibility without batting an eye. She’s the 2015 first-place Classified Employee of the Year.
Matthew Falber
Arts and Culture |
New York's storied park has had its share of tragedies. Read how alumnus Matt Falber is taking cues from its original design to keep pedestrians and bicyclists safe.
Cast of ACE
Arts and Culture |
Broadway veterans and local Las Vegas professionals lead the cast of the Nevada Conservatory Theatre’s new musical “ACE.” Get tickets for the Aug. 22 and 23 performances.
An exhibit item at the Barrick Museum.
Arts and Culture |
A slideshow of the Barrick Museum's exhibit, running through the fall semester.
Ruben Garcia
Campus News |
Law professor Ruben Garcia is on the front lines of labor and employment law.
students sitting in chairs looking at a laptop
Campus News |
New partnership brings one of the largest research library collections in the world to UNLV and Southern Nevada community.
Tomas Walker
People |
Nursing alumnus recognized the power of giving his patients detailed information. Now he's at the forefront in developing an artificial pancreas.
Erin Azua
People |
The third-place recipient of the Classified Employee of the Year Award, Erin Azua was lauded for the gentle and caring disposition she displays when interacting with students.
dry grass at red rock canyon
Research |
82 percent of America’s three largest national parks are infested with at least one type of foreign foliage that’s ripe for becoming brushfire kindling.
entrance of the women's center
UNLV History |
Weight Watchers founder Jean Nidetch inspired millions to eat healthy and then shared her success by helping thousands of Rebels through the campus women’s center and scholarships.
Larry Henley
People |
Larry Henley, UNLV's Administrative Faculty Member of the Year for 2015, was praised for his quiet, behind-the-scenes work to make sure events go off to perfection.
Closeup of a saxophone
Arts and Culture |
The 80-member concert band of adult amateur musicians from around the country is led by the director emeritus of the U.S. Marine Band.