Shahram Latifi
Research |
UNLV researcher pioneers new applications for quick, efficient and secure data management.
researchers test drone
Research |
UNLV engineering faculty and students turned to the entertainment arena to carve out their unique research niche.
Jorge Vargas
People |
Keeping UNLV shady and green is one of the goals of this member of the university's tree crew.
Ric Griffith and Bryce Barnes
Athletics |
Facing down a fundraising challenge, the team's annual effort during National Finals Rodeo is crucial to keeping everyone in the saddle.
media filing center inside the Cox Pavilion during the 2016 Presidential Debate
Campus News |
The Oct. 19 debate at UNLV’s Thomas & Mack Center was the third most watched in history, attracting more than 71 million television viewers.
Screenshot of the U-N-L-V homepage
Campus News |
Hosting the final presidential debate helped put UNLV on the map for prospective students.
Shawn Corr
People |
Thomas & Mack concessions manager Shawn Corr is in the midst of year-long term as president of the National Association of Collegiate Concessionaires.
health workers and clients
Campus News |
The first-of-its-kind program in Nevada is aimed at helping patients overcome the hurdles to receiving care.
Paulo Pinheiro
Research |
Survival rate stands nearly 5 percent below the national average for Southern Nevadans and is especially low for state's black and Filipina women.
Signage with the UNLV logo on campus
Campus News |
The federal DACA program was introduced in 2012 and provides opportunities for students to become educated in their fields of studies and contribute to their communities and economies.
Susan Byrne
People |
This new chair of the department of world languages and cultures says she has worked in other areas, but finds the allure of Spanish literature irresistible.
thanksgiving scene
Campus News |
Honors College students come together for a little food, a little friendship to celebrate Thanksgiving.