UNLV athelites pose next children from the Boys and Girls Club
Athletics |
In one year, UNLV athletes dedicated more than 13,000 hours to volunteerism — over 5,000 more than their nearest competitors — earning the Mountain West Community Service Award.
Alyssa Crittenden and Francisco Menendez
Research |
Francisco Menendez and Alyssa Crittenden have been recognized for their efforts, which extend beyond the bounds of our campus.
Erika Torres teaches a fifth-grader
Business and Community |
Education policy experts explore how to grow interest among students in highly technical industries and what that means for Nevada’s economy.
Justine Federe winding up a throw
Athletics |
Influx of freshmen, transfers have fresh-faced Rebels ready to propel team to new highs on diamond.
Rendering of the performing arts center
UNLV History |
From one unified design, the realities of time and budget forced the Judy Bayley Theater and Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall into separate buildings.
Danylle Hitchen
People |
Danylle Hitchen’s “one day at a time motto” guides her through life’s adventures.
Erica Marti and students assembles a portable solar energy classroom kit
Campus News |
Solar kits illuminates energy concepts for both teachers and high school students.
Aerial view of Greenspun Hall
Business and Community |
Senator Harry Reid and Speaker John Boehner to co-chair institute within UNLV’s School of Public Policy and Leadership.
The UNLV Jazz Ensemble I performs on stage
Arts and Culture |
Fundraising concert to feature Clint Holmes.
A man raising his arm up and his hand in a pointing pose
People |
As a utility player of the acting profession, alumnus Michael Bunin has found his niche in Hollywood.
Vaneh Darakjian
People |
Born in a refugee camp in Germany, Darakjian eventually settled in Las Vegas with her family and made her way to UNLV. Now this alum is busy promoting the high-quality graduate education offered by her alma mater.
Hart Wegner look at a model plane
Arts and Culture |
The film department's holdings from the reclusive filmmaker and industrialist offer insights into an original Academy Award nominee for Best Picture.