detail of art work
Arts and Culture |
Join the free opening reception at the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art 5-8 p.m. June 2.
collage of four portraits
People |
These grads have parlayed their skills in hospitality into careers in marketing and entertainment.
Ryan Doherty
People |
As his love for Las Vegas grew, this Boston transplant became devoted to developing Downtown.
Kathy Clark-Dyke
People |
This alumna’s love affair with UNLV continues through community partnerships.
UNLV student Kevin Ashi
People |
Aspiring physician Kevin Ashi’s mission to solve global public health challenges is a path paved through life experiences, hard work, and a philosophy built on taking chances.
Jerry Inzerillo
People |
Drawn to UNLV’s proximity to the Strip, this New-Yorker attended the “Hotel School” because of its industry ties.
JC Fernandez
People |
Always ready to go the extra mile, this ’97 alumnus incorporates hospitality into his radio gig.
white coat with UNLV School of Medicine logo
Campus News |
University physicians say advances in treatment provide promising options.
display of fruit and vegetables
Business and Community |
UNLV dietitian and nutritionist offers food and beverage options to consider when the mercury rises.
Portrait Eakalak Khan
People |
A firm believer in perseverance, this engineering professor hopes to contribute to Nevada’s water conservation efforts.
sketch of western-themed hotel
Arts and Culture |
The unadulterated visions of grand architecture found in UNLV Libraries' Special Collections and Archives.
Silhouette of businesswoman with briefcase standing in doorway
Research |
A first-of-its-kind book provides faculty with tools to help students understand — and maybe even surmount — threshold concepts.