Michelle Paul, director of The PRACTICE Mental Health Clinic at U.N.L.V., sits in front of her computer in her office to conduct a virtual meeting.
Business and Community |
The PRACTICE Mental Health Clinic responds to outbreak, offers all services to existing patients virtually.
illustration of gas pump with bats flying around
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Social media may have changed the medium, but the stories are often the same as people process the uncertainty and fear of pandemics.
man and woman posing at event
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The hospitality “industry man” became a UNLV legend.
Undergraduates Alvaro Carbonero and Ava Platt
Campus News |
Undergraduates Alvaro Carbonero and Ava Platt among a select group of STEM students nationwide selected for prestigious honor.
census form
Campus News |
Policy decisions — such as how to allocate student loan and public health funds — rely on self-reported data.
laptop and notebook
Campus News |
A week after remote teaching begins, UNLV College of Engineering faculty find that soliciting student feedback is key.
hand writing on a paper with pen
Campus News |
UNLV's Career Services is up and running in a virtual environment, including offering its first virtual job fair this week.
man stands next to hey reb! statue on campus
People |
This go-getter came from Washington to attend UNLV and fell in love — with Las Vegas, and his wife.
This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses.
Business and Community |
UNLV researchers, medical investigator to discuss coronavirus pandemic March 30; event to be livestreamed
doctor in hallway talking to residents
Campus News |
UNLV School of Medicine faculty physicians, fellows, residents, and students care for our community in several hospitals in Southern Nevada.
Man on rock gazing at lighthouse in the ocean with storm, thunder, lightening and waves in dark
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UNLV management professor Payal Sharma and mindset expert James Silvas explore ways trauma can provide opportunities and shape us.
Michelle Paul on a table in a children's playroom
Business and Community |
UNLV mental health expert Michelle Paul offers conversation strategies for COVID-19.