Sarah Deredza headshot
People |
The nurse practitioner uses lifestyle education to help patients and their families help each other.
The first baseman readies to make a play as a UNLV batter takes a swing
Athletics |
With seasons derailed by the coronavirus, spring athletes take matters into their own hands to stay ready for whenever competition resumes.
Campus News |
Six School of Medicine emergency physicians reflect on what they are learning from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Esports arena at Luxor
Business and Community |
With live sports temporarily on hold, more Americans than ever have turned to esports to fill the void. UNLV expert Robert Rippee on the phenomenon and what’s next.
man on riding mower
Campus News |
Facilities crews keep the campus in good repair despite COVID-19.
Portrait of hospitality management major Sonia Vazquez-Quintero
People |
Las Vegas native says the city provides a unique learning opportunity for hospitality majors.
woman doing a plank on yoga mat
Campus News |
The program helps students contend with end-of-semester stress through physical exercise and meditation.
Sergeant Toni Summerlin, on patrol during the coronavirus campus closure.
People |
This police sergeant says she’s touched by the support the UNLV community is showing its campus police force during these unusual times.
Three children stare at a beaker
Business and Community |
Carnegie Foundation names university among top institutions in country for community engagement.
Interior of Grand Canyon with individual looking at rocks
Research |
Las Vegas Valley rock layer matches that of a famous interval of rocks at the Grand Canyon; findings reported in the journal Geology.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
People |
From UNLV Magazine's spring 2020 issue.
A man in a suit pulls a cord on a dune buggy
Research |
Annual College of Engineering competition will hold all of its team presentations and judging virtually.