A woman standing on an U-N-L-V basketball court with a basketball in her hand
Athletics |
Women’s hoops’ Lindy LaRocque earns top coach honors in Mountain West.
Amanda Melilli on a couch surrounded by books.
People |
Gathering materials that represent a diversity of cultures and backgrounds is a focus of this librarian.
a student wearing a face mask, hard hat and safety vest operates a table saw
Business and Community |
After pandemic delays, about 50 students on Team Las Vegas gear up for UNLV's third showdown in the international Solar Decathlon sustainable homebuilding competition.
Vanessa McConnell sitting in a radio control booth
People |
Nontraditional student Vanessa McConnell forging a path to bring diversity to sports broadcasting.
A man sits behind a microphone
People |
Las Vegas ophthalmologist and UNLV alum Dr. Mark Doubrava was an early proponent of the need for a "homegrown" medical school.
A drone shot shows Lied Library
People |
Health sciences librarian Xan Goodman helps train students on how to navigate a complex web of journals, articles, and physical teaching tools.
Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall
Arts and Culture |
The concert continues a series of student performances live-streamed from Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall.
Accounting Major Jennifer Atton
Campus News |
Nontraditional student scholars benefit from re-entry scholarships.
backpack and laptop on lawn filled with leaves forming wifi symbol
People |
Oral communication proved to be a benchmark as courses shifted online at the start of the pandemic.
Portrait of Francisco Menendez artistic director of UNLV's film department
People |
After being terrified — and mesmerized — by the movie "Jaws" at age 13, this film professor's career path was set.
A  woman takes a picture of a man holding a sign
Campus News |
Elvis, a showgirl, and a very important deck of cards add some glitz to residency Match Day for the School of Medicine's charter class.
"UNLV School of Medicine" sign
People |
Dr. Rebecca Meyers says she often stops to think that the care she provides to infants today may be impacting people who will be alive 100 years from now.