painting of building on fire
Arts and Culture |
Historian Paul Werth on the lessons France can learn from the destruction of Russia's Winter Palace.
artist conception of cosmic event
Research |
Two dense, city-sized stars collided in a galaxy far, far away; the resulting X-rays give UNLV’s Bing Zhang and international team of astronomers a new way to spot when it happens and a rare glimpse into how neutron stars form.
UNLV campus with sunset in background
Business and Community |
Event theme is "America: The Future of Work"; Senator Harry Reid and Speaker John Boehner will participate in exclusive panel discussion moderated by NBC News’ Chuck Todd.
Collage of students
Research |
UNLV’s Research & Creative Honors Program provides undergraduates with unique opportunities that prepare them for graduate studies.
two white pills, one red caplet
Research |
A new book by social work professor An-Pyng Sun walks readers through the roots of addiction and treatment.
woman in red suit
Campus News |
Marta Meana on UNLV's landmark Carnegie R1 designation.
A man raises his arms as he prepares to dive.
Athletics |
Freshman diver marks UNLV's big return to the NCAA championships.
two women shaking hands
People |
UNLV alums share their experiences in the working world.
Chris Jones winces, with just his head portruding from a black, bloblike art installation.
People |
Illustrator Chris Jones came to Las Vegas no plan, and ended up navigating the media landscape en route to an MFA.
Nick Garritano kicks a football as a referee signals behind him.
Athletics |
Nick Garritano may not have looked like a kicker, but he sure had the leg of one.
Men and women pore over a supercomputer
Research |
UNLV's Cherry Creek Supercomputer, Already a Research Powerhouse, Poised to Become a Revenue Source Too.
A scientist recoils from The Machine. (Illustration by Chris Jones)
Research |
Professor Clemens Heske's pride and joy is unique worldwide in its ability to study surface chemistry.