Maurice Finocchiaro (Philosophy) gave a colloquium talk at the University of California, Berkeley, Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society in February. It was titled "The Galileo Affair and the Berkeley Para-clericals." In 1633, Galileo was tried and condemned by the Inquisition for defending Copernicus' hypothesis of the earth's…
Connie Mobley (Dental School) is an invited keynote speaker at the International Association for Dental Research/American Association for Dental Research annual meeting in Seattle in March. The title of her presentation is "Nutrition and Oral Health Research Horizons: Obesity and Diabetes Prevention."
Sue Fawn Chung (History) is the co-producer of More Than a Face in the Crowd, a film that will be part of the Asian American film festival in San Francisco this month. It also will be seen at the Southwest Oral History Association Conference at UNLV in April as part of the keynote address to be delivered by Chung's co-producer Samantha Chan.
Elizabeth Baldizan (Educational Outreach) participated in 25th annual International Conference for the Association for Student Conduct Administration in Clearwater, Fla. As part of its 25th anniversary, the conference honored all past presidents, including Baldizan, who served as the 12th president. She participated in writing a monograph, The…
John Bowers (English) has had his book An Introduction to the "Gawain" Poet (University Press of Florida, 2012) nominated for the Warren-Brooks Award honoring the authors and former Rhodes Scholars Robert Penn Warren and Cleanth Brooks. Bowers is himself a former Rhodes Scholar at Merton College, Oxford -- the same college as J. R. R. Tolkien.
Fatma Marouf and Michael Kagan (Law School) have been named Bellow Scholars for 2013 by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) in honor of empirical research projects that promise to improve access to justice for underserved communities. The awards were announced at the AALS annual conference in New Orleans in January. They were honored…
Elizabeth MacDowell (Law) and Emily Troshynski (Criminal Justice) have been named Bellow Scholars for 2013 by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) in honor of empirical research projects that promise to improve access to justice for underserved communities. The awards were announced at the AALS annual conference in New Orleans in…
Sue Fawn Chung (History) received the Bancroft Honor Award from the Western history department of the Denver Public Library for her book In Pursuit of Gold: Chinese American Miners and Merchants in the American West (University of Illinois, 2011).
Dana Moran Williams (Theatre) in November designed the scenery for the world premiere of Josh Ravetch's new play, One November Yankee, at the NoHo Arts Center in Los Angeles, starring Loretta Swit and Harry Hamlin. Reviews from the major national arts periodicals and newspapers have been very favorable. They include: "... dominates Dana Moran…

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