Barb Brents (Sociology) recently published “Neoliberalism’s Market Morality and Heteroflexibility: Protectionist and Free Market Discourses in Debates for Legal Prostitution” in the journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy. She demonstrates how prostitution supporters and opponents both draw from neoliberal discourses to construct and deploy…
The UNLV Purchasing Department has earned the 2016 Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award. The department is only one of six agencies in Nevada and one of only 25 higher education organizations in the United States and Canada to receive the award. UNLV's purchasing department has received this award for nine consecutive years.…
School of Nursing answered an invitation from the National League for Nursing to test new simulation education scenarios focused on patients with physical disabilities. Assistant professor Reimund Serafica and six nursing students tested three scenarios, provided suggestions for enhancing the content, and evaluated the scoring rubric. The new…
William Bauer (History) published a book, California Through Native Eyes: Reclaiming History (University of Washington Press). Using oral histories of Concow, Pomo, and Paiute workers, taken as part of a New Deal federal works project, Bauer reveals how Native peoples have experienced and interpreted the history of the land we now call…
Reimund Serafica and Alona Angosta (Nursing) co-authored an article in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension titled "Acculturation and Changes in Body Mass Index, Waist-Hip Ratio among Filipino Americans with Hypertension," which examined whether level of acculturation is an absolute predictor of body mass indexes,…
The Classroom Technology Services (CTS) department of the office of information technology has been featured in a higher education case study by Crestron. The case study explores how CTS has helped minimize “lost” class time due to technological issues by standardizing equipment, implementing monitoring tools, and developing a custom-made touch-…
Dr. Wenlian Zhou and Dr. Rick Thiriot (Dental Medicine) met with faculty and students at Nankai University’s School of Medicine and Dentistry in Tianjin, China, to discuss comprehensive dental care and treatment planning. During the two-week visit, the professors presented five to six hours of classroom education each day, which included…
Cory Lampert (University Libraries) recently was elected to a two-year term on the Mountain West Digital Library (MWDL) Governing Board. MWDL is a collaborative of libraries, museums, and archives that provides a regional search portal for public access to the members’ digital collections. The board is charged in its first year to create and adopt…
Frank van Breukelen and Jenifer Utz (Life Sciences) organized the 15th International Hibernation Symposium, which was held in Las Vegas July 31-Aug. 4, and was hosted by UNLV and the School of Life Sciences. The symposiums are conducted once every four years and bring together most of the hibernation researchers from around the globe. This…

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