Nancy Lough, James Hines (both Educational Psychology and Higher Education), and Margo Malik (Athletics) participated in the Sport and Recreation Law Association's 30th annual conference in Las Vegas this month. Lough, the invited keynote speaker, titled her talk, "If We Build It, Will They Come? Considering 30 Years of Sport Law and Policy."…
Joshua Polanski, Karl Kingsley, Nicolette Rizutto, and Matthew Vial (all Dental School) recently published the manuscript "Clinical Significance and Utility of Neck Circumference Measurement in the Dental Clinic Setting" in the Journal of Medical Discovery.
Schools of Dental Medicine, Nursing, and Social Work, and departments of Physical Therapy and Psychology hosted the third annual Inter-Professional Education (IPE) Day during the first week of March. The day-long event provided students with group interactions such as a poverty simulation designed to encourage collaborative, positive patient…
Vivian Sam and Matt Rader (Life Sciences) were featured in "Study Breaks," a national undergrad write-up. Both are pursuing biology degrees with concentrations in ecology and evolution.
Georgiann Davis (Sociology) is the author of  Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis (NYU Press, 2015), which was cited in an Amicus Brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court. She also was featured on KNPR's program State of Nevada. 
Christopher Adcock, Oliver Tschauner, Elisabeth Hausrath, Arya Udry, and Minghua Ren (all Geoscience) and a team of international researchers recently published a research paper titled, “Shock-transformation of Whitlockite to Merrillite and the Implications for Meteoritic Phosphate” in Nature Communications. The research focuses on how shock…
Alan Schlottmann (Economics) was presented with a Spotlight Award on Saturday, March 4, by the Las Vegas chapter of the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties Southern Nevada, a commercial real estate development association comprised of 400 members serving the local Southern Nevada market. The…
Jessica Knurick (Allied Health Sciences) co-authored “Plant-based Nutraceutical Increases Plasma Catalase Activity in Healthy Participants: A Small Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Proof of Concept Trial,” which appeared in the March 4 issue of the Journal of Dietary Supplements. The study assessed the efficacy of a nutraceutical at…
Zach Miles (Economic Development) received $300,000 from the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to support the development of advanced mobility research and events. He will work with the RTC to explore, understand, pilot, and deploy advances in mobility. Miles will also provide guidance to state, regional, and local…

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