Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) and Jeff Shuter are co-authors of a book chapter titled, "The Ethics of Sensory Ethnography" in the book Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts, edited by Michael Zimmer and Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda. The book is published by Peter Lang. 
Drs. John Varras, Sandhya Wahi-Gururaj, Aditi Singh, Ranjit Makar, and Laura Culley (all Medicine) received awards from the Nevada chapter of the American College of Physicians at its October meeting. All work in the School of Medicine's department of internal medicine. Department chair Varras received the Mentorship Award. Program director Wahi-…
Ben Edwards (Law) presented an annual update on securities law developments at the annual meeting of the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association.
Dr. Ovunc Bardakcioglu (Medicine) recently performed a breakthrough surgical procedure using a new robotic device that required no incision through the skin, significantly shortened recovery time, and lessened the chances of infection. He used the remote-controlled device to remove potentially cancerous lesions from a patient's colon. Typical…
Tamara Madensen (Criminal Justice) is the recipient of the 2017 Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. She received the award for developing an effective and innovative violence-reduction policing strategy called PIVOT (Place-based Investigations of Violent Offender Territories). PIVOT is designed to stop…
Yingke Xu and Xiangxue Xiao (both Community Health Sciences and Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine) recently received Top Young Investigators Awards from the American Society of Bone Mineral Research (ASBMR) for their work in Qing Wu’s lab within the UNLV Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine. Xu was awarded $1,000, while Xiao…
Dr. Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) served as an invited speaker during three events focused on periodontics. First, he accepted an invitation to the 4th annual North American Saliva Symposium where he shared results of his work "Salivary Analytes and Onset of Periodontitis." He then discussed findings from his study “Translational Modeling of Human…
Jared Lau and Ching-Chen Chen (both Educational and Clinical Studies), along with George Richardson (University of Cincinnati) gave a presentation, "Introduction to Instrument Development and Item Response Theory for Counseling Professionals" at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 2017 national conference in Chicago…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper, "Creating an Intermediate Medical Spanish Program at an Urban University," at the 75th meeting of the South Central Modern Language Association, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  

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