Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) published an article on baseball, sabermetrics, and infrastructures of expertise in the journal Games and Culture. Statistical fandom is presented as a cultural infrastructure, which influences how all fans perceive the game of baseball, including what is valued in the game, how the game…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and his co-authors' paper "Experience-Based Human Capital or Fixed Paradigm Problem? CEO Tenure, Contextual Influences, and Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility" was published in the Journal of Business Research. This study examines the effect of CEO tenure on a firm's social outcomes —…
Sergio Salgado and Susanna Newbury (both Art) were involved in "Art and Public Lands," a panel discussion held at the Sahara West Library earlier this month. Salgado organized the event, which was moderated by Newbury. Panelists Sam Davis ('06 MFA Art), Fawn Douglas ('15 BA Art), Karla Lagunas ('17 BA Art), and Brent Holmes discussed interplay…
Jennifer Bonilla (Registrar and Health Care Administration) has been appointed by Gov. Brian Sandoval to the Board of Directors of the Public Employees' Benefits Program. Her appointment to serve NSHE employees and other Nevadans will run from July 1, 2018, to June 20, 2022.
The UNLV Debate Team (Communication Studies) was recognized at the Clark County Board of Commissioners meeting for their outstanding achievements in the 2017-18 season. Commissioner Jim Gibson invited head coach Jake Thompson (Communication Studies) and members of the Debate Team to the June 19  meeting to be recognized with an official…
Kate Korgan (Graduate College) recently was elected to the governing board for the Law and Society Association’s sex, work, law, and society collaborative research network (CRN). This CRN seeks to bring together international socio-legal scholars and experts to broaden the conversation about sex work regulation, legal and labor issues, and social…
William Bauer (History) delivered a paper, "Not Dammed Indians: The Dos Rios Dam and the Politics of Indian Removal in 1968" at 1968 in the Americas: Impact, Legacies and Memory, which was held at the University College London Institute of the Americas. The presentation examined how the Round Valley Indian tribal council defeated a state and…
Iesha Jackson (Teaching and Learning) co-authored an empirical study that explores how secondary educators of color attempt to support their Black and Latino male students’ navigation of particular inequities related to college knowledge and access. The research, published in the Journal of Teacher Education, highlights culturally relevant…
Jarret Keene (English) wrote a short comics story, "Six Weeks," for the graphic-novel anthology Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas, published this month by Image Comics. Based on an interview with an eyewitness, "Six Weeks" chronicles a young woman's efforts to rebuild her life in the tragedy's immediate aftermath. The books…

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