Dr. Elena Farfel (Dental) has published her study "Propolis of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) Inhibits Growth and Viability in Multiple Oral Cancer Cell Lines" in the International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies with co-authors Whitney Saarem, Fang Yu Wang, and Karl Kingsley (all Dental).
Felicia Sumler and Drew Ehlert (both Sponsored Programs) recently accomplished a career goal of receiving their certification in research administration. The designation of certified research administrator indicates that an individual has met the Research Administrators Certification Council's eligibility requirements and has demonstrated the…
Caleen Johnson (Foundation) and Stine Odegard (Service Learning and Leadership) have been announced as members of the 2019 cohort of Jameson Fellows.  In 2013, Gard Jameson developed the program to create a culture of greater cohesion across nonprofit sectors. This program will enrich the work currently being done by…
Rian Satterwhite (Service Learning and Leadership) was interviewed for the podcast "Innovative Leaders Driving Thriving Organizations" at the International Leadership Association’s annual conference in October. The episode, “How Do Leadership and the Environment Connect,” explores how leadership theory and practice can benefit from framing …
Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) and Denise Tillery (English) published an article about how climate change deniers make use of social media to circulate climate misinformation. The article is titled, "The Circulation of Climate Change Denial Online: Rhetorical and Networking Strategies on Facebook" and was published in the journal…
Jean Nidetch Women's Center has been awarded a grant for $32,678 from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health, for rape prevention and education on campus.
Jee Woong Park and doctoral student Sayan Sakhakarmi (Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) published a journal, titled "Emergency response: Effect of human detection resolution on risks during indoor mass shooting events," in the journal of Safety Science.  This work was collaborated with Park's past post doctoral…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and his co-authors' paper "Regional Integration, Multinational Enterprise Strategy and the Impact of Country‐level Risk: The Case of the EMU" was published in the British Journal of Management. This study shows that regional integration (European Monetary Union) has altered the impact of…
Jennifer J. Reed (Sociology) was interviewed for a segment on KVVU-TV, "Exploring Ecosexuality." As the ecosexual movement extends its way through the West to Las Vegas, doctoral candidate Reed shared information from her dissertation research to dispel some of the misunderstandings about the lifestyle of people who identify as ecosexuals.…

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