Carisa Shaffer (Research and Economic Development), Cate Weeks (University Marketing and Communications), Grant Kurosu (University Marketing and Communications), Katelyn Dibenedetto (Graduate College), and Michelle Tomasino (Research Integrity) are the Rebel Spirit Award recipients for April. The Rebel Spirit Award Committee recognizes employees…
Camisha Fagan (Sociology and English) was inducted into UNLV’s Hall of Fame at the Rebel Awards 2019. She is an undergraduate student.
William R. Speer (Mathematics Learning Center) recently presented a talk on "Successful Transition to College Readiness through Collaboration with and Cooperation of Stakeholders" at the World Future Forum held at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago last month. 
Maurice Finocchiaro (Philosophy) had one of his essays translated into French and published in the current issue of Revue des Questions Scientifiques. This is a Belgian journal published at the Université de Namur by the Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Originally titled “The Trial of Galileo: Facts and Issues, Then and Now,” the French title of…
Rei Serafica and Andrew Reyes (both Nursing) recently published their manuscript, "Acculturative Stress as Experienced by Filipino Grandparents in America: A Qualitative Study" in Issues in Mental Health Nursing. The goal of the study was to describe the factors that contribute to acculturative stress among recent older immigrants who co-reside…
Dylan Guerin (Life Sciences), was featured as the "Visitor of the Week" by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories on Long Island, New York. A doctoral student in the research group of professor Kelly Tseng, Guerin was selected to attend the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories' course on Cell & Developmental Biology of Xenopus…
Kristina Schmid and Eddie Gomez (both Online Education) and Peter McCandless (Math Learning Center) published "How to Create Engaging Educational Videos with a Lightboard" in The Teaching Professor.  The article provides an overview of the process the UNLV office of online education has developed for recording lightboard videos, as well…
William Bauer (History and American Indian Alliance) presented the paper "American Indian Freedom, Sovereignty and United States Capitalism," at the 40th annual American Indian Workshop in Poznan, Poland, earlier this month. He discussed how ideas regarding freedom and sovereignty supported the federal Indian policy of allotment and continue to be…
Jennifer J. Reed (Sociology) was quoted in an article in Playboy, "Ecosexuals Show the Planet Some Love on Earth Day." A doctoral candidate, Reed currently is completing her dissertation research examining how the ecosexual movement negotiates intersectionality.

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