Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes (Anthropology) has received a grant from the Culture and Animals Foundation to conduct research on his project "Redefining Dog Breeds in Mexico City: Race, Nationalism, and Compassion." This project will examine the relationship between dog breed and dog adoption in Mexico City. Rescue dog organizations are…
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Culture) had his translation from English to Russian of a selection of poems from the book "The  Country Between Us" by an American poet Carolyn Forché published in Interpoetry (Interpoezia) literary magazine. 
Markie Twist (Environmental and Occupational Health) was the co-editor for a special issue on digital and sexual health for the Journal of Sexual Relational Therapy. This issue introduced the concept of digital health (digihealth), digihealth principles, and out of control digi behaviors.
Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West) recently coauthored an opinion editorial published in the Las Vegas Sun. In the piece, Dr. Lang and North Las Vegas city manager Ryann Juden discuss Southern Nevada's RISE Together Plan (Recovery and Innovation for a Sustainable Economy). "The RISE plan provides a…
PhD student Randall Dannen (Physics & Astronomy) has recently demonstrated a novel method to create clouds around black holes. To appear in May as a letter in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal, the work led by Dannen was co-authored with astronomy professor Daniel Proga (his PhD adviser), UNLV postdoctoral researcher Tim Waters,…
James Navalta (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), who is the co-founder and executive editor of the International Journal of Exercise Science (IJES) received notice that the journal has been formally accepted into Scopus. IJES is a student-focused journal in the field of kinesiology, requiring student authorship and providing opportunities for…
Dr. Marc J. Kahn (Medicine) published a paper, "Technological Innocation in Healthcare: Disrupting Old Systems to Create More Value for African American Patients in Academic Medical Centers," in the April issue of the Journal of the National Medical Assocaition. 
Qingmin Shi (Decision Support) along with Kathryn Tucker, Gwen Sharp, Tony Scinta, and Sandip Thanki from Nevada State College, recently published a paper, “Fostering Historically Underserved Students' Success: An Embedded Peer Support Model that Merges Non-Cognitive Principles with Proven Academic Support Practices” in The Review of Higher…
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) and Brianna Miloz (Arizona State University) published an article in the latest publication of the NASPA Multiracial Knowledge Community E-Book. Their article is titled "Defining Blackness through Lived Experiences."

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