Sheniz Moonie, and Karen Gutierrez (both Environmental and Occupational Health), along with Julia Anderson, '19 PhD Public Health, co-authored a study on "Factors and Cost Associated with Atopic Dermatitis in Nevada" in the journal Postgraduate Medicine. Atopic dermatitis (AD), or eczema, is an inflammatory illness that impacts individuals of all…
Kenneth Miller (Political Science) and coauthor Brandice Canes-Wrone of Princeton University presented their paper "Individual Donors and Legislative Voting in the U.S. House" at the Interest Groups, Policy Outcomes, and Representation in U.S. Politics virtual workshop hosted by the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton earlier…
KellyAnn Garthe and Catherine Dingley (both Nursing), along with Michael Johnson of Nevada State College, recently published their paper, “A Historical and Contemporary Literature Review of Rejection Sensitivity in Marginalized Populations” in the Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice. Their paper synthesized the literature on…
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice), Lauren Murphy of George Washington University, and Illyssa Madrid-Dykman of the Pacific Council on International Policy served as panelists and presented on the topic of Job Fit and Career Transitions for the Career Wellness Wednesdays initiative hosted by the University of San Francisco (USF…
Lynn Comella (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) had an article published in the Washington Post exploring the adult entertainment industry's response to COVID-19. "The Adult Industry Can Survive Without Government Help. Here’s Why" appeared in the paper's "Made By History" section and examines the…
Melissa Christ (Art) has done research at the Barrick Museum of Art that is featured in the online Johns Hopkins University Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium. This annual symposium hosts students from across the nation interested in presenting their scholarship. Her presentation, "Considering 50 Years of Art…
Kathryn Houk and Xan Goodman (both Libraries) and Laura Valentino, Southern Nevada Health District academic affairs coordinator, received a $7,024 National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Southwest Region Express Outreach Award to support "Building a Healthier Las Vegas through Participatory-Based Creation of Community Health…
Jared Lau (Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services) and colleagues Peitao Zhu of Syracuse University and Carryl Navalta of Boston University School of Medicine recently published their paper, "An Ecological Approach to Understanding Pervasive and Hidden Shame in Complex Trauma"  in the Journal of Mental Health Counseling…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper, "Examining Relations Between Obsessive-Compulsive Features, Substance-Use Disorders, and Antisocial Personality Disorder in the Vietnam Era Twin Cohort" in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 

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