Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) published "Beyond accessibility: Design ethics, edge users, and the role of active proxies in unwinding the spiral of exclusion" in First Monday, the peer-reviewed open-access journal focusing on internet and society published by the University of Illinois at Chicago. This article…
Cameron-Keokolo Tabion (Computer Science) has received a 2020 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program award to complete a summer research project at UNLV with a student employment award of $6,000. An undergraduate, he has been working at DataX Lab, directed by professor Mingon Kang, and he will continue his research this fall semester with…
Trevor R. Pollom, Kristen N. Herlosky, and Alyssa N. Crittenden (all Anthropology), along with Ibrahim A. Mabulla of the National Museum of Tanzania, are the authors of "Changes in Juvenile Foraging Behavior among the Hadza of Tanzania during Early Transition to a Mixed-Subsistence Economy," which appears in Human Nature.
L.-W. Antony Chen (Environmental and Occupational Health), in collaboration with faculty at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, received an award from the National Science Foundation for a three-year project that will study the impact of wildfires in the Arctic region, with emphasis on brown carbon, a unique air pollutant and climate forcer. UNLV…
Farhad Shokoohi (Math) has been awarded a COBRE pilot grant of $25,000 for the proposed project titled "Differentially Methylated Cytosine Identification via Functional Regression Model" from The National Institute of General Medical Sciences / National Institute of Health for the period of June 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021.
Ian McDonough (Economics) has been selected to receive the Outstanding Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy Article Award for "Criminal Incarceration, Statutory Bans on Food Assistance, and Food Security in Extremely Vulnerable Households: Findings from a Partnership with the North Texas Food Bank." McDonough and co-…
Jin Ouk Choi and Binit K. Shrestha (both Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) published a paper, "Critical Success Factors and Enablers for Facility Design Standardization of Capital Projects," in the Journal of Management in Engineering published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Shrestha is a doctoral student studying…
Repairer Etuk (Psychology) and Tiange Xu (International Gaming Institute) received a pre-doctoral student network grant of $2,500 for their proposed project, Sports Betting around the World: A Systematic Review, from the International Center for Responsible Gaming. Their primary mentor is Shane Kraus (Psychology) and secondary mentors are Brett…
Alan Simmons (Anthropology) has been awarded one of the newly established joint grants from the Archaeological Institute of America and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The award is for continued research on early economic strategies for the Neolithic (ca. 7500 BC) residents of Ais Giorkis in Cyprus. Specifically, it focuses on obtaining…

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