Darcy del Bosque, Susie Skarl, and Sam Lief (all Libraries) received the Highly Commended Award for their article "Libraries Atwitter: Trends in Academic Library Tweeting" from Emerald Group Publishing. Every year Emerald invites journal editors to nominate what they believe has been that title's outstanding paper and up to three highly commended…
Kelly Robertson (Libraries) has been named the UNLV Libraries' Classified Employee of the Year. Robertson, who works in the bibliographic and metadata services department, was chosen for her dedication to the Libraries and to advancing its goals. Described by her peers as friendly, helpful, and enthusiastic, she also has demonstrated exceptional…
Merrill Horton (English) wrote an article, "A Speculative Note on The Mansion's Myra Allanovna," which was published in The Faulkner Journal.
Kwang Kim (Mechanical Engineering) was a presenter at the third international conference on Electromechanically Active Polymer transducers and artificial muscles (EuroEAP) in Zurich in June. His presentation centered on recent progress in ionic polymer-metal composites. He was one of only a handful of speakers from the United States invited to…
Mohamed Trabia (Engineering) was a keynote speaker at the 5th International Conference on Mechatronics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last month. His presentation, "Smart Finger-Wearable Assistive Display for the Well-Being of the Blind and Visually Impaired" covered his ongoing research in advancing portable "seeing" assistive devices for the blind…
John Filler (Educational and Clinical Studies) co-authored a new book with Keith J. Hyatt, a professor at Western Washington University. Writing Educationally Relevant and Legally Compliant Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for Preschool & Elementary Age Students with Disabilities (Kendall Hunt Publishing Co. 2013) is available Aug. 1.
Pamela Burnley (Geoscience) wrote an article, "The Importance of Stress Percolation Patterns in Rocks and Other Polycrystalline Materials" that was published in the journal Nature Communications last month. She has discovered a new paradigm for understanding the deformation behavior of polycrystalline materials. Many familiar solid objects are…
Penny Amy and Diane Yost (both Life Sciences) had their work featured in the May issue of Microbe Magazine, the official newsletter of the American Microbiology Society. The article, "Pitting Microbes Against One Another," talks about how investigators are testing whether other microbes can help hold pathogens in check to quell infectious disease…
Nancy Strouse and Scott Roberts (both Foundation) presented "Naming Opportunities: What's That Space Worth? Naming Policies, Practices and Pitfalls" to the Las Vegas chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals in April. They discussed why spaces are named, how to determine the correct monetary amount for naming a space, naming policies…

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