Pearl C. Kim, Betty Burston, and Jay J. Shen (all Health Care Administration and Policy) published an article on "Factors Associated with Preventable Emergency Department Visits for Nontraumatic Dental Conditions in the U.S." in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. This study was designed to examine national…
Josh Baker (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) recently was awarded funding from the U.S. Department of Education that will provide $165,000 a year for his project. Secondly, he received a sub-award for $130,000 a year for two years from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research;…
Claire Tredwell (Preschool) was awarded the Rose C. Engel Award for excellence in professional practice from the Division of Early Childhood (DEC). Tredwell, director of the preschool, received the award at the DEC's 35th annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families in Dallas earlier this…
Gregory D. Moody and Suti Chatterjee (both Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) wrote an article that has been published in the Journal of Management Information Systems, a premier journal of information systems. The title of the article is An Integrative Theory Addressing Cyberharassment in the Light of Technology-Based Opportunism. The…
Sapira Cheuk (Art) is included in a group exhibition titled Femella, which will be on display Oct. 10 - Dec. 7 at Golden West College Art Gallery, the gallery associated with Golden West College in Huntington Beach, California. The exhibition focuses on female archetypes and feminine representations.
Marie Louisa Heske, Teryn Mendenhall, and Dr. Karl Kingsley (all Dental) recently published their manuscript "HPV-16 and HPV-18 Affects Viability and Proliferation in Normal Breast Tissue Cells" in the International Research Journal of Oncology. Heske and Mendenhall are students mentored by Kingsley.
Soumya Upadhyay (Health Care Administration & Policy) and Max Gakh (Environmental & Occupational Health) recently published an article, "Health-Information Seeking and Intention to Quit Smoking: Do Health Beliefs Have a Mediating Role?" in the journal Tobacco Use Insights. This study aimed to examine the relationship between seeking health…
Paul Clements and Karyn Holt (both Nursing) recently presented at the Global Summit and EdTech Expo Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. This international conference was  sponsored by Institute for Performance and Learning, the Ministry of Education of Canada ,and Contact Norde. The title of their presentation was "…
Jill Lukas (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) has been awarded the Kathleen W. McCartan Award. It is given to undergraduate or masters-level students who have made significant contributions through service to the field, community, and professional organizations. She is a graduate student studying early childhood education.

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